Saturday 5 March 2016

Time flies.... when you're doing some training!

Time flies.... when you're doing some training!

In my latest blog I wrote about my sudden illness in 2014 and the rather major influences of this on my daily life. More than a year passed by and I can not say with doing nothing. On the contrary. But somehow it feels like a short time, like when you're having fun. And sure I did have fun but I did some hard working also.
Like I wrote last time around the end of 2013 I was used to run 3 times a week for 1,5 h at ease. In January 2015 I could run for 13 minutes without a break, and two months later I did successfully run for 10 kilometer in 1h 7m. I was very proud at my self! In the meanwhile I started also a Natural Fit training for once or twice times weekly under the careful guidance of my trainer Jacky Ledeboer (

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor natural fitness

Nevertheless I had to give way somewhere in July because of a new injury. Not so serious but major enough for a short pause and a restart on a lower level. After this intermission I succeeded in finishing a run of 15 kilometer in 1h 26m in November. So there I was... very proud again .

But I was of course also busy with my research: writing articles, trying to submit them to relevant journals and analyzing continuously the data of my survey and case study. The process of submitting my articles I experienced as a rather frustrating activity. So I have decided to stop with that for the time being and to concentrate now at finishing my thesis at first after consulting my professor.  And so I' am now in the middle of all my data, literature and memo's trying to write clearly and understandable about the main findings of my research. As you all will probably understand at this moment I cannot publish anything yet. But I think the findings will be quite interesting for many people especially for those who are working in the field of social security and human resource management!

But first things first: now at the 6th of march 2016 I will do the City-Pier-City run in my hometown The Hague ( It will be my first half-marathon in two years!
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor city pier city

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